Call for Papers

We invite submissions for our upcoming WASS 2024.

Find out more about submission instructions and deadlines below.

Submission Portal

Important Dates

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)

Areas of Interest

The areas of interest at WASS2024 are expected to cover, but are not limited to, the following areas:

Paper Submission Instructions

WASS will not accept submissions that are under review, have been published, or have been accepted for publication in any other journals or venues with formally published proceedings at the time of submission. Papers must be no longer than 12 pages in total (including references). All submissions should be submitted electronically using the conference management tool in PDF format and formatted using the Systems template.

In the reviewing process, each submitted paper will be single-blinded reviewed by at least 2 technical committee members. That is, the authors do not know the reviewers' information, but the reviewers can infer the authors' information from the submission.

Proceedings of WASS2024 will be published by MDPI as a special issue of Systems (an open access journal indexed by SSCI and Scopus), with a discount of Article Processing Charge (APC).

All paper for review should be submitted electronically in PDF format as an email attachment to


For any inquiry, please contact